THE Government has said it is considering extending and increasing the number of beneficiaries of the school feeding programme next term to minimise the effects of the El Nino-induced drought on education.
It has also issued a stern warning to schools who defy the vacation school regulations put forward by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education saying all those who will ignore the instructive circular spelling out what is expected will be dealt with.
Director of Communications and Advocacy in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Mr Taungana Ndoro said although the school feeding programme was not the prerogative of one ministry, indications were that it was going to be extended into the third term with deliberations on the number of beneficiaries going to take centre-stage.
Three million learners were covered in the first phase that started at the beginning of the second term, which has just ended.
“It is a whole of Government approach, there is a national task force on managing and mitigating the effects of the El Nino-induced drought. As such we are guided by the national protocols because it is not a Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education programme alone but a whole of Government initiative that we need to ensure that all our citizens including children do not go to school hungry because of drought. So, because of that, yes the numbers will increase because this has a national outlook,” said Mr Ndoro.
He said the programme will see not only learners benefiting from the home-grown feeding solutions but the larger population as well.
He said it was also encouraging that provinces such as Matabeleland North have been receiving support through the help of development partners.
“You must realise that in areas like Matabeleland North Province, the school feeding programme is not just done by the Government but by development partners, that is why the numbers (of children being fed) are very high.
“We have partners based in the province who are assisting and complementing Government efforts to ensure that no child is affected by hunger,” said Mr Ndoro.
The school feeding programme is currently catering for both primary and secondary school learners including day scholars at boarding schools, a development he said was a great motivator for learners to attend classes and reduce absenteeism.
Mr Ndoro said the programme was rolled out in phases and its thrust is to ensure that learners continue attending class with the hot meal serving as a motivating factor.
On vacation school which commenced last week, he said schools should do it with learners in mind and not out of greed.
He said teachers should not bend rules by absenting themselves during that period.
“The head of the school must ensure vacation school goes ahead with available teachers. Those who continue to defy Government directives against paid-for extra lessons will face the music. Sooner or later, everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences and all actions have consequences,” added Mr Ndoro.
In the face of the El Nino-induced drought, the Zimbabwe Livelihoods Assessment Committee (ZimLAC) 2024 Rural Livelihoods Assessment Report 2024 recommended the need to scale up the implementation of the home-grown school feeding programme to ensure that children receive adequate and nutritious diets.
“The ministry responsible for education ought to intensify school attendance enforcement and follow up on strategies aimed at keeping children in school. Furthermore, the sector needs to intensify rollout and operationalisation of the school health and nutrition programme,” read the report.
Mr Ndoro said the Government was doing everything to ensure the right to education was guaranteed even to the disadvantaged children.
He said the Basic Schools Assistance Module (BEAM) was assisting in paying learners’ fees despite some areas still waiting to receive the funds.
“The BEAM facility is being managed by the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare as a social safety net. There is a tripartite committee formed by the deputy Ministers of Primary and Secondary Education, Finance Economic Development and Investment Promotion and Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare that ensures that BEAM funds are disbursed on time. Several schools have received BEAM funds, yes, there could be areas that have not yet received but some schools have been covered,” added Mr Ndoro. – SundayNews