Pastor: Mercy Mugadza-Weiss

Series 1

You were born to lead! Born for Greatness for his Glory!
God wants a powerful people! A powerhouse force!
Paul was a Powerhouse!

Paul was called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God!

Paul of Tarsus came from a small place but he changed the world of Christianity with his life and a fresh, different message! It does not matter where you come from you can be great! He became an international person and global preacher. Greatness is not how you start but how you finish in life! Remain consistent in your transformational journey!
We will learn how to use the effective life strategies that made Paul such a great success.

As we examine the character and life of Paul. Examine your life! Take note of the life strategy and principles used! The difference between being ordinary and being extra ordinary great is your life strategy! Have a strategy in life.

This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and Kings. Acts 9:15_

Paul was chosen by the grace and will of God. Invite Grace into life.
Paul’s success is worth taking a closer look! Build a strategy for your life! Change some foundational habits in your life!
Christology is both divine and human.

Paul the great!

He wrote 1/3 of the New Testament. One man!
14 books out of 31 in the New Testament written by one man!
This is mind blowing! We need to appreciate the life and insights and thoughts of Paul!

Paul was shipwrecked, bitten by a viper, imprisoned, and subjected to court trialls, beaten and stoned. He still showered mastery over all adversities in the game of life! (Bold)

Let’s study this man closely!

We need Christians who can exercise a mastery over the game of life! Not just to have a form of godliness with no power in it. A powerful living.
I have come that you might have life and life more abundantly! Said Jesus Christ !
ABUNDANCE NOW!!!!! Greatness now!

In a brief vision on his way to Damascus he encountered Christ! The Vision could have lasted seconds! Great encounters that impact your life, are the brief unexpected encounters. Don’t discount the brief encounters in dreams, with great people!

What attributes /characteristics did Paul have?

Paul was a high achiever in life. An action based person. A doer, Just do it ! was his motto. Don’t procrastinate, Just do it. Don’t worry whether something will fail or not just do it. Experience is the best teacher. Pro active. Just start! Don’t wait for everything to be perfect! Don’t overthink! Over talk! Just do it!

Develop yourself

Jesus is not a magician. He does not work with nothing, he works with something and makes it greater! He sees things in us, that others may not see and takes that and he converts that to be bigger and better. People who succeed at high levels are not lucky or evil, there are doing something different than most people and everyone does.

What is that something that Paul had or did ? Different optic! Different from the synoptic! A different way of seeing and doing things!
Do something differently in your life and see what happens. (Bold)Christianity is a result based belief! Show me your Faith with works! Words spoken by Paul!

Paul, when he was Saul was a prosecutor of Christians and hunted them down! He participated in Stephens death! His transformation truly brings Glory to God! Your transformation should bring Glory to God! Your transformation should benefit others in life like Paul. Your transformation should be a help to others, not just you!

It is my prayer that you will have an meaningful trans-formative encounter with Jesus Christ! As we look into Paul’s life, character and insightful thoughts.

14 Points we will discuss in a three (3) part series of this man.

Commitment and self restraint
The dessert Arabia experience
Reaction verses Response
Self reliance :-entrepreneurship/ career and trade
Your speech/ precision of your words and speech
Service and charity
Tenacity and boldness
Letting go of the past
How you treat the opposite sex
Writing things down/ keeping a journal or inventory.


A great leader always has greater mentors around him. Find a mentor! Not just anyone! but someone who has succeeded in that particular area that you need mentorship. A sound character, a guru or professional in that field. You can never attain greatness in life and leadership without mentors! Paul had Gamaliel and later Barnabus as his mentors.

These people attributed to Paul’s great leadership skills! Your Pastor is your Pastor! Your spiritual mentor. However find an industry/business/agricultural / career mentor to teach u and build you up for greatness! You need career, business or entrepreneurship mentorship! To help grow your business, career and vision. Ask for help? Even if you ask them to work for them for free for a week . They will deposit something into your life! Find your Gamaliel and Barnabas! And spend time with them.

Paul was taught by the best of the best! Gamaliel was a doctor of the law! Although he was a Pharisee, he was called “the beauty of the law ” He was a very very knowledgeable man. He imparted a lot of knowledge and training into Paul! Gamaliel although a Pharisee , was a good man.
He feared God,
He was reasonable and logic.
He knew Gods work could never be stopped by man. Acts 5.39 .
Not all non Christians are bad people! Remember Nicodemus and Joseph of Arithmea were Pharisees and businessmen too. They took down the body of Christ and bought a tomb for it. They were also lot of bad Pharisees in that group, but not all were bad. Try to seek knowledge from the best in the field or industry. Sound, principled men and woman
My point is that; Paul’s greatness can be attributed to this man Gamaliel. Jesus knew he could use that greatness and knowledge and convert it for the better purpose of the kingdom. To prove my point! Gamaliel also trained and taught another guy besides Paul! This other guy become such a good businessman that he had the wealth of a King. Mentors are key to success. There is no power above the power of God but greatness needs a mentor.

Our beloved Barnabus and Paul, men that have hazard their lives for the name of Jesus Christ! Acts 15 25,26 

Barnabus had a mentorship impact on Paul. Barnabus networked him. They spent very little time together, but the time was influential and impactful in launching Paul. Seek mentors who have a network capacity to launch your vision and mission. Invest time in people who can influence your cause. Change your friendship or network circle!
Paul left his past circle of friends to seek for greatness. You cannot be great hanging around the same environment and same friends before you were set free.
Look closely at your friendship circle and evaluate the value they bring into your life! Whenever you spend time with someone, an exchange is happening. An osmosis of influence. Choose your friends wisely! Have conversations with your peers that expand your mindset and are aligned with your vision. Paul had a dangerous mindset, because of mentors! These two mentors had an impact on Paul! Seek influential relationships!
These are deep spiritual life truths! Your life is your own, don’t waste it on idle people going nowhere in life! Find smarter minds to learn from!
These are real tools and strategies that can change your life!
Naomi had Ruth
Mary had Elizabeth
Joseph had Pharaoh who even gave him a wife!

Self restraint / Self discipline

You need to be truly committed. Your commitment must be at a deep unshakable level. Distinguishable and distinctive commitment from others. Casual, half commitment gives you Casual results. Faith and steel like commitment to what you want to do. Arnold Schwarzenegger did 200 sit ups a day! Trained 6 hours a day to be MR WORLD! Be fully committed! Paul was committed, he traveled so much, shared the gospel everyday, wrote letters!
True Leaders expect opposition in their activities. Anticipate that people will talk about you, gossip about you. Leaders know this is part and parcel of the game! The Pharisees did it with Jesus every day!!!!. Don’t be shocked or angry. Or quit, Don’t stop doing what you are doing simply because people are talking about you? You will be playing into the devils plan if you do that. Don’t be distracted by the negative things people say about you! Shake it off! Paul was bitten by a Viper he shook it off! I don’t entertain peoples viper poison. People will remind you about your past mistakes and decisions. A sign of greatness is when people talk about you.(this only applies if you are doing something positive) Have you walked into rooms and heard people /family /work/church members talk about you. It should never distract you.
Paul was a victim of every possible attack a human being could be subjected to! The enemy wants you to doubt yourself. Paul remained committed to his cause! Expect opposition! the higher you climb in life! Don’t engage in useless arguments with people! Agree quickly with the adversary ! It’s painful I know especially if it’s coming from people you trust.But leaders know how to turn that pain into gain.

Silence the doubters with your success

Some doubted Paul change. There will be people who will doubt your change. Like they did Paul’s, don’t be discouraged. Don’t waste your time fighting them.People in Church and outside of church opposed Paul. Most of our limiting criticisms will come from people in church. Fellowship with people in church. But don’t let them cast their doubts and limitations on you. Paul never quit his church, he carried on. Don’t quit your church. It’s human behavior that when someone is doing something different, people rush to criticize!! The mental intensity and greatness of Paul have a lot to do with his self restraint and discipline. Keep your eyes of the prize, stay focused! Let them talk! Don’t get emotional and loose your composure.


We are living in an Information Age.
Information leads to transformation

Ignorance kills! My people perish for lack of knowledge.
Your reality is between your ears! How much knowledge do you have? Your world of existence and reality is between your right ear and left ear! I’m not talking about education. I am talking about Information. How much do you know? This is why faith comes by hearing!! The word of God! The more you know. The better you are.
Proverbs 15.14
The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly

Knowledge is a key factor to being used for greatness! Knowledge is one of the seven spirits of God! The Bible tells us to seek knowledge. God works with knowledge! Paul was very knowledgeable! Learning through observational study. Learning through books. What u know is the power available to you. Invest in improving yourself with knowledge. Be curious of how things work.

Your brain is a muscle, it needs to be stretched with knowledge! Information!
Read books, consume content on internet or search for information! Attend workshops, adult schooling, etc.There are so many good things on internet, you will be surprised!! Be inquisitive, ask questions. Don’t waste your time watching rubbish movies and rubbish things. Talking for hours with people about nothing. Try to acquire knowledge. Knowledge is power !! Paul had plenty of knowledge. This knowledge that Paul had, was used by Jesus to advance his Kingdom. Jesus converted Paul’s knowledge to work for him. A mind that is not curious resists change.

A local example:

The first heart surgery in South Africa was done with the assistant help of a gardener. Yes! A gardener!! Hamilton Naki The Gardner Mr Naki did not have a good education, but he had knowledge! He observed his boss. He was part of the team that operated on the very first heart surgery in South Africa under his boss. Be the( 1st )first in life. Paul was the (1st) first to do things differently in Christianity. Be the first in your family to do things. The first in your community. Today a Gardner can’t even know the names of the plants he works with everyday. Be curious! Be interested in learning through observation. Learn new skills! Learn new facts! Ask people to teach you skills, how to cook or bake or drive, etc. etc.. I have about a 1000 books in my library! I value information! Seek knowledge. We are born for greatness.

Paul’s transformation was easy, because he had information and knowledge inside of him. Get knowledge!! Grace without knowledge can lead you to frustration. Parents, try by all means to give your children books to read. Invest information into them! Information leads to transformation! Self education! Self training, Believe on Jesus Christ,but the extent of knowledge we have, about him and his Kingdom and the world determines our experience of success!

The diagnosis to perishing is lack of knowledge! Jesus, said , My people perish
His people meaning(Church members, born again believers, spirit filled, speaking in tongues pastors, congregations) perish. He meant they don’t thrive , they crumble and don’t perform optimally because of lack of knowledge! Notice he was specific about the reason !! Your problem is lack of knowledge. Paul’s parents invested a lot into Paul/Saul.

Ignite your mind with information and knowledge!

God is omniscience : All Knowledge.
Science is defined as: Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.
Omni means: All things! All sciences
Jesus says ,he is the truth ! Truth is absolute knowledge and all equations. meaning he is the absolute of all sciences and facts and information. He is Omniscience! God know everything. You are made in his image.

The Holy Ghost is the holder of all Knowledge. (Bold headline)
He will enroll you in his university. Spend time in meditation with the Holy Ghost, ask him questions, speak to him to reveal knowledge.
The Holy Ghost, the third member of the holy Godhead is a vortex server of information and knowledge. Although he is a holy person with a will and intellect! He is knowledgeable of everything! The omniscience of God! He will bring all things to your remembrance. All things.

Knowledge is better than Physical looks! (Bold headline)
Don’t rely on your physical beauty or outside appearance to make you great! A suit or new dress does not change what’s in your mindset.The name Paul means small. Paul was not a tall. handsome man. He was a very short man. Bald, with crooked legs! Appearance is not a guarantee for success! Never marry anyone for looks only! Paul was a real impact! His stature and looks were not in his favor. But he had knowledge! Knowledge is power!Knowledge! Knowledge! We are consuming Paul words. No one consumes looks. In addition to your fasting, Bible reading and praying add knowledge! Knowledge will set you apart in everything!

The chief Apostle Peter saw that Knowledge was a huge advantage to Paul. He added that we should add Knowledge to brotherly kindness, Godliness and love. He saw how it worked for Paul. Joel 2:28 says we will see visions and dreams, but what will make you great after those visions is Knowledge.

Self reliance

Paul was a tent maker/ he had a skill. You have to be self reliant in order to be great! Find a way to make an income for yourself! Leaders are self reliant! Make your own money! Paul must have had a clientele. Build a clientele. Priscilla and Aquila were also tent makers! Your skill/trade will network you to destiny helpers. In what you are doing lies your breakthrough!

Time is money! Invest time to acquire a new skill set! A good mindset requires a skill set! We don’t know whether Paul’s tent making was SME (small medium sized enterprise or on a large business Scale! Paul had money and his parents had money. Create generational wealth. Paul worked when he was with Aquilla and Pricilla. Work! Please ! Great men are engaged in enterprise! Our very Lord! Creator of the universe had a skill set. He was a carpenter! Try to use your hands or learn a skill! The God you pray to, knew he had to do something with his hands, those healing hands made furniture whilst he was here on earth! Have the mindset of Christ! Grow your business.

The Dessert / Arabia experience

Galatians 1:17, NIV: I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia

Arabia means dessert :Saudi Arabia Dessert!

Between where you are now and where you want to be lies a desert , A wilderness! An Arabia. You have to conquer it! The dry, harsh landscape.You must conquer it.

You have to tame the wilderness in you! The wilderness outside you. We saw it with Moses and the Children of Egypt! We saw it with Jesus Christ. And now with Paul! After his encounter, the first place Paul went to was the Arabia – The desert! Why? Something inside of you has to change or break in order for you to be great! A testing of some sort!

You will be tested, you will be tried! Failure is a testing! Keep at it! Greatness in leadership is not easily given! The desert experience will challenge you beyond anything else! The Arabia (desert) is a testing, a purification, a preparation! A strengthening through testing!

If you survive the dessert (testing of will)you will be great! Your failures and disappointments can be your desert moments! To strengthen your resolve! To refine your commitment. Failure is a testing for success! Failure is part of success, if you don’t let it overcome you. Keep trying! It does not matter how many times you fail. It does not matter how dry and bad things are…What matters is how many times you get up and try again! Renew your mindset,don’t let your mindset be destroyed in the desert. Keep renewing it each day.

The desert is a harsh place! With many dangerous creatures.Things get worse before they get better! Don’t quit,don’t give up. God will deliver you to your promise.You look at Saudi Arabia or Dubai today, you can see how people have physically conquered a physical desert! These Arabians are so wealthy and rich. They conquered deserts! Conquer the desert in your life! The desert makes you or breaks you! Your trial is a desert. Your test! We are more than conquerors through him, Jesus Christ!

Pastor Merci Mugadza is an interdenominational preacher and biblical teacher. Having returned to Zimbabwe from Australia. She lives in Mutare where she preaches predominantly. She is also an ambassador and patron for a disabled Children orphanage that she supports . She endeavors to make us take an in-depth personal look at the Bible. The greatest self development book ever written! She also heads a woman’s organization.TOFW Zimbabwe. She also preaches to woman in Prison! She loves the word of God and believes in its power to transform and bring awareness !. She can be contacted on +27765508210


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